Tuesday, April 16, 2013

On the previous post, I said how important Charles Yale Harrison is to me, and how his novel Generals Die in Bed had helped me improve to a better living.

I will always owe Charles Yale Harrison.

Dear Charles Yale Harrison,
      Thank you for your inspiring works of literature that has roamed the world. I know this is the last thing you would want to hear, but you must consider the ban of teaching literature in English classes in many states of America. However, I feel that it is a high importance to let you know how your writing had profound effect on people. My name is Carla Aspite, and I am a currently a Grade 12 student at Ridley College, Canada. I am originally from Venezuela and came to Canada to further my education when I was in grade 10. Coming into a new country with a different language seemed very daunting and I am very proud to say that without your work of literature I would not be as fluent in English as I am today. Your book Generals Die in Bed had thought me a variety of things, from history, appreciation of friendships, braveness and how to cope with fears, and most importantly to how to properly use the English language. From your novel I was able to gain an insight from you, explore other cultures and beliefs, gain a vast knowledge of historical events and further master the English language. Literature has a powerful way of capturing and interpreting what has happened and what is happening to us. Literature is the universal language for one to able to expand their minds and teach them new ways of seeing the world. Generals Die in Bed made me gain an insight into your views on the truth about humanity and your views are ones that I would forever treasure and hold of high importance. Now that your work is not going to be part of learning of many high school’s curriculums, people will fail to see the experiences you portrayed in that novel, which had influenced me positively. I am unhappy that future generations won’t learn about your experiences and the lessons you portray in Generals Die in Bed. The world will never experience the great feelings I had when reading your book, and it is sad that they will not realize how important it is to fight against our own fears. Those people will not have their eyes opened as you did to me. You made me realize what is thought to be only history, describing the horrors of war with such detail, and made it a real story. Now, every time I think of war, I look back to what I read in Generals Die in Bed. I not only appreciate you work for what I learned from it, but also as an ESL student, it helped me to improve my English and understand all grammar rules previously taught to me. I learned a vast list of new words into my knowledge and words regarding to war and military activities. Your work and name will never be forgotten in my life, and I thank you for all the adventures you wrote that changed my life.
      Carla Aspite


  1. I liked how your letter to Yale Harrison mentioned how his novel has caused you to grasp a better understanding of the English language. I don't think people realize how many ways a book can affect a student, and I think it would be a shame if students were no longer able to read fictional books in their English classes.

  2. This is a great letter Carla. I like how the stories in the books helped with struggles and situations that you have in your life. I think that's very important to get from a book. These sound like extremely exciting books, too. I hope that kids will keep reading them.

  3. Carla i thought that this was really well done. I understand how a book or author can help you get through tough times. The book seems very interesting as well because of the situations it got you through.
