Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Point of View of Education

"I don't love studying. I hate studying. 
                 I like learning. Learning is beautiful."
Natalie Portman

Personally, studying bores me. Just the fact of thinking of sitting in a chair, reading books and trying to memorize all steps of photosynthesis or practice implicit differentiation for calculus annoys me. 

But, at the end, I am thankful my parents can afford such a good education for me. At the end, I am proud of knowing how our body produces energy, or why is DNA the most important molecule. I am delightful to have read and, deeply understood Macbeth at English class.

Education is the power of the world. Without education, you wouldn't have your own opinion in world issues. Or we would believe everything others would say; we would be fooled. Education provides personality to population. 

This is why a communist country is not interested in the education of its people. If people were well educated, their government would be a failure. People would protest and the party would go to an end.  This is only an example to show how important education is for the development of a country.

"Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world"
Nelson Mandela

Imagine not knowing the geography of your country, the map of the world. You would live your entire life not knowing where you are walking. You wouldn't know the existence of other languages, cultures, and beautiful places around the world. You wouldn't understand why the sky is blue, or why we need to breath in order to survive. 

The best thing about education, is that you can never stop learning. Everyday you can learn something new! From math and sciences, to languages and personal experiences. 

"The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet."

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