Saturday, April 13, 2013

Omayra Sanchez

Omayra Sanchez was a Colombian 13 year old girl, killed by the eruption of Nevado del Ruiz in 1985. After a lahar demolished her house, she remained trapped in mud for three days.

Omayra became internationally famous by this picture, taken shortly before her death.

Omayra is remembered by her courage and dignity during her time in the mud. She could't be rescued due to lack of equipment, despite the efforts of volunteer rescuers. She died likely due to exposure.

Omayra inspires me to go on, to keep living; she reminds me that, even if I think everythin is coming to an end, I should believe in myself.

Here is the link video of Omayra during her time at the mud... WORTH WATCHING

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing story! I love how you added this to your blog. Very powerful!
